Day 16 by Libby Dieciseis

Awoke to the sound of gentle rain. Galicia is known for rainy weather, and it has lived up to that reputation, for the past 3 days it has been turning on and off like a tap. Some of the walkers have sore feet and muscles, but determination says us finish our walk today which took us through beautiful green fields, [….]

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Filed under: Adventure travel

Rainy Galicia Walk

Awoke to the sound of gentle rain. Galicia is known for rainy weather, and it has lived up to that reputation, for the past 3 days it has been turning on and off like a tap. Some of the walkers have sore feet and muscles, but determination says us finish our walk today which took us through beautiful green fields, [….]

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Filed under: Adventure travel

Day 15 written by Phylly Quince

This morning as we left Palas-de-Rei we all sat on the bus in silence to our drop off point to start the 27klms walk. Yes, it was raining, but before too long we were able to peel off our wet weather gear and enjoy the full canopy of oak trees, small hamlets and green fields. Our lunch was in Melide [….]

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Filed under: Adventure travel

Day 14 written by Nellie Catorce

Today the sun hid from us and the Camino was blessed with rain keeping the dust down. We were all a little concerned as to how we would walk the last 100klms, averaging out at approximately 25 klms per day As the day progressed we were all pleasantly surprised also how lovely it was to walk in the rain, and [….]

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Filed under: Adventure travel

Day 12 written by Chris

O’Cebreio Well yesterday it was the cross that we left all our burdens that some of us were carrying, and now today it is “Foregiveness. Our tour guide David “No Pain No Gain”. We departed our hotel in cloudy conditions which was perfect for our climb, again we were blessed. How to make it to the top? Choices – walk, [….]

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Filed under: Adventure travel

Day 11 written by Sandra once

The group started  the day in high spirits after a wonderful rest day in Leon. We set out from Leon in our orange bus driving for approximately 1 hour to our starting point for today ‘s walk to the town of Rabinal del Camino. from here the track criss crossed the asphalt road providing us with spectacular views of the [….]

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Filed under: Adventure travel

Day 10 Written by Geraldine Diez

LEON Just when I begin to imagine that the last Cathedral or church can’t be topped, another one with different features comes along Leon’s stained glass windows are outstanding in colour, design and size. Attached to the cathedral is the Patheon Real, the royal burial vaults, which have been called Spain’s Sistine Chapel. The frescoes which tell stories from the [….]

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Filed under: Adventure travel

Day 9 Kris Nueve

Last night we stayed at Carrion de Los Condes in a wonderful quaint monastery, converted to a hotel San Zailo. Dinner was delicious, (lamb shanks), accompanied by a full bodied red, all served in the homely restaurant which was full of beams and quirky artefacts.  The next day after A delicious breakfast our orange coast with our trusty driver behind [….]

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Filed under: Adventure travel

Burgos Day 8

Burgos Cathedral is the 13 th century Catedral de Santa Maria and is amongst the most beautiful in Spain and is also one of the largest. Essentially, Gothic it never the less combines many different styles, having embellished by the great master builders and architects down through the centuries . During our guided tour of the city we soaked in [….]

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Filed under: Adventure travel