Two days ago we arrived into beautiful Buenos Aires it is my 5th visit and I never tire of this exciting and vibrant city. Our tour explores the busy center, including the Plaza de Mayo, where the Casa Rosada Presidential Palace is located; the aristocratic North, including Recoleta Cemetery, best known for holding Eva Peron’s grave; and the working-class South, such as the famous La Boca and San Telmo districts, heartland of the Tango. Today we departed south to Baraloche a 2 hour flight, which we did not think would depart as it was raining heavily in Buenos Aires and many flights were cancelled. We spent 1 hour sitting on the Tarmac waiting for the ground staff to find a passengers luggage apparently he decided he did not wish to fly. Did he know something that we didn’t! All was good and we departed and arrived without any further problems

Baraloche was founded in 1904 by the Argentina Government. San Carlos de Bariloche, usually known as Bariloche, is a city in the province of Río Negro, Argentina, situated in the foothills of the Andes on the southern shores of Nahuel Huapi Lake. It is located within the Nahuel Huapi National Park.
Arriving at our centrally located hotel we had 1 hour for a quick bite to eat, before our guide arrived to take is on a 3 hour tour of Circuito Chico .. Circuito Chico is a scenic 65 klm drive which gives you a taste of the flavors of Patagonia. There are beautiful views all the way, we stopped to admire the magnificent views at several points and natural lookouts such as Bahía López (López Bay) and Punto Panorámico (Panoramic Point). We took a chairlift at that carried us up to the top of Mount Campanario with its wonderful bird’s-eye view of the area. Several tea houses and restaurants offer delicious meals and snacks to add flavor to the tour. We travelled further south to the famous and very expensive Hotel Llao Llao, situated next to the San Eduardo Chapel which was constructed of pine. The tour was a great introduction to our first day in Patagonia, the weather although raining in Buenos Aires was dry in Badiloche all in our favor. Tomorrow we will travel further south into this wild frontier to do some hiking.