Ngorogoro Crater

The Ngorogoro is popularly known as the 8th wonder of the world, it is a spectacular micro-ecosystem that boasts almost all of East Africa’s famous wildlife species. The crater is 16 Kim’s in diameter with walls 610 mtrs high, is the largest crater in the world. More remarkable still, it’s confines are home to over 25,000 large mammals. Hemmed in by forested walls, the crater floor has a combination of soda lakes, acacia trees, lush marshes and dry savannah. These diverse habitats support the full cast of East  Africa’s brilliant animal and bird life, of which we sighted  up close and personal, lions, elephants, hippos (we enjoyed a picnic lunch next to the hippo pool), buffalo, leopard, flamingo and  ostriches, to name a few. The Ngorogoro is owned by the Masai, and in this part of Tanzania the Masai, in their striking traditional dress, are much a part of the scene as the huge population of wild animals. Another amazing experience to be had on our East Africa tour.

Filed under: Adventure travel