Each day the view from our tent is becoming more and more hazy from the smoke. Today is another Government holiday, if they reduced the holidays in Nepal the country would be in a better financial position. Today we decided with the Principsl that the children on their day off have a working bee, by collecting all the rubbish on the trails throughout the village. Thirty children, Principal, teachers, Christine, Jen, Dil and myself spent 2 hours with the children collecting, bottles, plastic, lollie paper, bettering, old shoes, noodle packets. The children were very active and eager to help, and have now decided that every 2nd Friday afternoon they would go around the village to collect rubbish, better than that the teachers must educate the kids not to drop rubbish in the first place, and to take pride in their village. We will now place rubbish bags outside the small shops, and at the school to encourage both the children and adults to keep the village and streams clean.


Next stop was the school building site to help the workers break up and move rock. When we arrived we were surprised at how much progress had been made, although slowing them down was a massive Boulder that has taken days to remove, later in the day we had success! The children were eager to help us girls clear the site of small stone, all seeing who can lift the largest. O I and S would have a fit if they saw what was happened on this building site, no footwear, gloves eyewear, and children on site etc

After another hard day, we took a cold bath  at the local tap with the children watching every move we made, absolutely no privacy, in  the end you give up strip off and be the entertainment for the day.

Later in the day 6 mothers with their babies came to our campsite and we handed out baby cloths lovingly knitted by a group of Sydney ladies. Older men fron the poorer community were given beautifully knitted blankets.





Filed under: Nepal